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Shropshire lass Holly singing tragic Hilde

Holly Teague

Shropshire-born soprano Holly Teague renews a successful partnership with producer Jonny Danciger when she sings in the Opera Studio – a two-day celebration of innovative chamber works – at the OSO Arts Centre, Barnes, west London, on 23 and 24 September.

Jonny has invited her to sing the role of Hilde in No Way Out! – a sequential trilogy of one-act operas, exploring the self that we all find ourselves locked in to. The work, written by Christopher Wood, is inspired by Jean-Paul Sartre’s No Exit, colliding three fundamentally incompatible, emotionally-flawed individuals, with tragic results.

Holly has previously worked with independent producer/director Jonny on opera projects in Oxford and with Cumbria Festival Opera. For No Way Out! She teams up for the first time with Sutton-based Guest House Opera’s Paddy Cockshutt and acclaimed young Kiwi tenor Harry Grigg.

Since leaving the Royal College of Music with an MPerf degree Holly has been singing opera, sacred music, early music and chamber works the length and breadth of the country. Recently she recorded Shropshire Lass – an album of Mary Webb poems for voice and guitar, set by composer Martin Bussey.

Lost in Life

Lost in Life (dedicated to those who died on September 11) was the most moving piece in the concert. You exactly hit the mood of the time. Congratulations!

John Austin
Fine Arts Sinfonia

Conversation Piece

Great care and thought had obviously gone into the highly atmospheric Conversation Piece by Christopher Wood. The oboe’s announcement of the legato opening subject was well molded, controlled and serious, setting the tone for a warm dialogue with expressive strings. Fluctuations of tempo sounded natural and inevitable and silence was dramatically effective, the parlando musical argument always clear, played with ravishing sound quality. An original twist concluded the dialogue, ensuring an unusual ending to a lovely piece.

Ruth Goslett
Croydon Advertiser

String Quartet

Lovely string playing made the String Quartet by Christopher Wood a joy to hear. Its lyrical opening, with the musical argument effortlessly and eloquently passing from viola, violins and cello, was deeply felt. Pauses were atmospheric and contrapuntal writing cleverly handled. Rhythm was taught and well-sprung in the contrasting middle section and the ending was ethereal.

Ruth Goslett
Croydon Advertiser

Carter in Crisis

Tinged with a deep autumnal melancholy, it tells of an ageing man’s obsession with the bust of a beautiful young Adonis. I found myself mulling over its meaning long after Carter’s valedictory cri de coeur had been sounded.

Donald Madgwick
Croydon Advertiser
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Any singers interested in joining GHO should contact Paddy Cockshutt on 078908 18508

Chris Wood on 077 905 143 77
or 020 8715 4436

Orchestral players should email: